Kent Cider company. Range extension.

Blessed be the apple tree.
After the successful launch of Yowler 3 more ciders were created that each celebrate a different pagan festival.
The designs are design deeply symbolic and inspired by the pagan wheel of life, ancient traditions, seasons and celebrations.

Waken. Cloudy cider
Waken represents Imbolc. Also known as St Brigid's day, this traditional Gaelic festival held on the first of February and marks the beginning of Spring.

Unity. Pear & Nettle Cider
Unity represents the festival of Beltane, A time to mark the flowering of Summer and celebrate fertility and Unison.

Copia. Dry craft cider.
Copia represents the festival of Lammas. It celebrates the abundance of Autumn and the importance of this time as cider makers when fruit is ripe and a copious bounty is ahead just in time for the cider making season.

The Yowler conducts the centuries old ceremony of wassailing, where bad spirits are driven from the orchard and good ones are welcomed in. At dusk a cup is shared amongst the gathering crowd to celebrate the new blessed crop of apples. The Kent Cider Company's Yowler is a dark and fruity, sparkling apple cider celebrating this blessed crop.
The design is layered with significant symbolism.
The skull represents not only spirits, good and bad, but also Yowlers through the ages. Behind the skull the swirling contents of the wassailing cup can be seen and around this the 9 cups represent wishes fulfilled, comfort, happiness and satisfaction, while the diamonds around the edge signal eternity.
Finally 'Blessed be the apple tree' communicates the act of the Yowler blessing the 'King tree' for the new crop.

Best cider marketing of the year - Winner
Best Branding & design - Highly commended.

Winner - Best cider marketing of the year. Highly commended for branding and design.

Featured on the dieline top 10 packaging & POTW. Click logos for links